Plasma and Materials Science 
by Molecular Dynamics

Carbon Nanotube Accelerator

>> Animation Movies

Relativistic and electromagnetic molecular dynamics
"Giant Molecules" Grosberg and Khohoolov  Japan translated with a new chapter

Publications and Activities

Microwave Heating of Water and
Saline Solution
Cover pictures

Molecular Dynamics Simulations

A planetary shock and the solar wind

Microwave heating of water & ice

DNA in Nanopores - Counterion
condensation and coion depletion

Motohiko Tanaka, Chubu University,
Energy Science and Engineering, Aichi, Japan

Copyright(C) 2002-2025 Chubu Univesity, Motohiko Tanaka, Ph.D.. All rights reserved

Method and Tools of
Molecular Dynamics
First Principle Molecular
Ionic Soft Condensed

Charge inversion

Opteron clusters
with Infiniband

Maroon Bells, Aspen, Colorado, USA

Microwave Heating and
Control of

Carbon Nanotube

1. Carbon nanotube accelerotor, 2.Microwave heating of materials (dielectric, magnetic oxides, Heisenberg model),
3.Ionic soft condensed matters (Polymers, Charge inversion, DNA and membrane), 4. First principle molecular dynamics
(Quantum mechanics)
, 5. High-temperature plasmas (Magnetic reconnection, Mesoscale particle code, Planetary
, 6.Methodology of molecular dynamics simulation 7. Published papers and books
Video movies of molecular dynamics simulations

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Ice and methane hydrate: MDTip5pWater-8.pdf
Figure: Charge inversion of a DNA rod

Heating of Water and Ice by Far-Infrered
Electromagnetic Waves (FPMD)

Classical and Quantum Mechanical
Molecular Dyanmics

Planetary shock

Wave instabilities, plasma heating
Magnetic reconnection
Macro-particle simulation
High Temperature Plasmas

Graphite erosion by hydrogen adsorption

DNA in Nanopores