We are studying physical properties of various matters, including
the interactions of materials with microwaves, the structure and
functionality of charged matters - ionic soft condensed matters,
and particle acceleration /heating in high-temperature plasmas.
We have made frontier research in microwave energy applications
under the MEXT prime area research project. Soft condensed matters
are found in daily products, biological matters (DNA, protein), and
space/fusion plasmas.
Item 1 is the theoretical study that has clarified the mechanism of
selective and efficient heating of dielectric and magnetic materials
by the electric and magnetic fields of microwaves, respectively.
In Item 2¡¥we have studied the structure formation in soft condensed
matters (charged polymers, macroions in electrolyte solvent) due to
strong electrostatic forces, which is related to daily products and
the life system.
Item 3 is the research and development of quantum mechanical
first-principle molecular dynamics simulation code for the study of
microscopic characteristics of ionic materials and the substance facing
high-temperature plasmas. We can investigate the structure of such
materials, adsorption /desorption/ dislocation of atoms at material
surfaces with this method.
In item 5, we have first pinned down the paradox of the origin of
(equivalent) dissipation that is required for the description of magnetic
reconnection by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) model.
We have developed in item 6 the low-frequency particle code to study
kinetic plasma phenomena of meso-scales, which are not accessible by
conventional particle or MHD codes.
Also, we have studied in item 7 varieties of wave generation processes
plasma instabilities, creation of energetic particle beams, including high-energy
electrons by auto-acceleration, MeV protons by intense laser irradiation,
and electromagnetic cyclotron-resonance heating of heavy ions.
Hirohiko Kono : Tohoku University... Quantum Chemistry
Koji Maruyama: RIKEN... Spin informatics
Yasunari Zempo: Hosei University... First Principle MD, Boewulf clusters
Masakatsu Murakami: Osaka University... Laser theory and applications
Motoyasu Sato: Chubu University... Microwave experiments
A.Yu. Grosberg: New York University... Soft condensed matter
Toyoichi Tanaka: MIT(deceased)... Charged polymers
Shinobu Machida: Nagoya University... Planetary plasmas
Hironori Shimazu: Commun.Res.Laboratory... Planetary plasmas
Yitzhak Rabin: Bar Ilan University (Israel)... Polymer physics
K.Kremer & C.Holm: Max¡¾Planck Institut fur Polymerforschung (Germany)